When you reach the end of a subject list or group list, NewsWatcher does not beep. If you would like NewsWatcher to beep, click this box. When you reach the end of a subject list or group list, NewsWatcher beeps. If you don’t like the beeps, click this box. To send your username and password to the news server every time you connect, click this button. To send your username and password to the news server only when you post, click this button. To share preferences using the Internet Config system, click this box. You also must install Internet Config. NewsWatcher uses the Internet Config system of shared preferences (if IC is installed). To disable preference sharing, click this box. NewsWatcher uses the full width of your screen for its windows, and may cover up your Finder icons. To avoid covering up the first column of Finder icons, click this box. NewsWatcher positions its windows so that they never cover up the first column of Finder icons on your screen. To use the full width of your screen even if Finder icons must be covered, click this box. To record all network transactions on a troubleshooting log file named “NewsWatcher Log”, click this box. NewsWatcher records all of its network transactions on a troubleshooting log file named “NewsWatcher Log”. To turn off this logging, click this box. To have NewsWatcher present a traditional (and annoying) “Are You Sure” alert every time you post, click this box. NewsWatcher presents a traditional “Are You Sure” alert every time you post. Most people find this annoying. To turn off the alert, click this box. To have NewsWatcher check to see if any new groups have appeared on your news server every time you run the program, click this box. NewsWatcher checks to see if any new groups have appeared on your news server every time you run the program. To turn off this check and speed up program startup, click this box. When you add information to a window, NewsWatcher leaves the window the same size. To rezoom the window if possible to display the extra information, click this box. When you add information to a window, NewsWatcher rezooms it if possible to display the extra information. To leave the window the same size, click this box. To set the helper program for decoding “uuencode” format binaries, click this button. To set the helper program for decoding “BinHex” format binaries, click this button. To set the default folder for extracting binaries, click this button. Not available because you haven’t turned on the default folder checkbox. To set the default folder for extracting binaries, click this button. When you extract binaries, NewsWatcher presents a standard file dialog. To have NewsWatcher automatically use a default folder without presenting a dialog, click this box. When you extract binaries, NewsWatcher saves them in a default folder. To have NewsWatcher present a standard file dialog instead, click this box. Sends your username and password to the news server every time you connect. This option is selected. Sends your username and password to the news server only when you post. This option is selected. NewsWatcher does not rebuild the full group list when you change your username. If your server has private groups, click this box. NewsWatcher rebuilds the full group list whenever you change your username, so you can see any “private” groups to which you have access. If your server does not support private groups, click this box to turn off the option. When you open an FTP URL for a file whose name ends in “.html”, your FTP helper program is used. To use your HTTP helper program for these kinds of files, click here. When you open an FTP URL for a file whose name ends in “.html”, your HTTP helper program is used. To use your FTP helper for these kinds of files, click this box. To add a new URL helper, click this button. Not available because you haven’t typed a new URL scheme name. To add a new URL helper, click this button. Type the name of the new URL scheme here. The “scheme name” is the part of the URL that comes before the colon in a URL. E.g., “ftp” or “http”. To delete the selected URL helper, click this button. To delete the selected URL helper, click this button. To change the selected URL helper, click this button. Not available because no URL helper is selected. To change the selected URL helper, click this button. This list shows all of your defined URL helper programs. NewsWatcher keeps saved messages after you send them. To delete saved messages after you send them, click this box. NewsWatcher automatically deletes saved messages after you send them. To keep saved messages after sending them, click this box. To set the default folder for saving messages, click this button. Not available because you haven’t turned on the default folder checkbox. To set the default folder for saving messages, click this button. When you save messages, NewsWatcher presents a standard file dialog. To have NewsWatcher automatically use a default folder without presenting a dialog, click this box. When you save messages, NewsWatcher saves them in a default folder. To have NewsWatcher present a standard file dialog instead, click this box. When you save an article, NewsWatcher saves only the descriptive text. To also save any raw encoded text for attached binaries, click this box. When you save an article, NewsWatcher saves both the descriptive text and any raw encoded text for attached binaries. To save only the descriptive text, click this box. When you use a default folder and save an article, if the file already exists, NewsWatcher asks what you want to do (pick a new name, replace, or append). To have NewsWatcher automatically append without asking, click this box. When you use a default folder and save an article, if the file already exists, NewsWatcher appends the new article to the end of the file. To have NewsWatcher ask if you want to pick a new name, replace the old file, or append, click this box. When you save multiple articles from a subject window, separate threads are saved on the same file. To save them on separate files, click this box. When you save multiple articles from a subject window, separate threads are saved on separate files. To save them all on the same file, click this box. To set the default folder for saving articles, click this button. Not available because you haven’t turned on the default folder checkbox. To set the default folder for saving articles, click this button. When you save articles, NewsWatcher presents a standard file dialog. To have NewsWatcher automatically use a default folder without presenting a dialog, click this box. When you save articles, NewsWatcher saves them in a default folder. To have NewsWatcher present a standard file dialog instead, click this box. To set the application which “owns” saved article files, click this button. The owning application is the one which is used if you later open the saved article. Use your favorite word processor or text editor. When you quit, NewsWatcher asks if you want to save any changed user group lists. To have NewsWatcher automatically save the lists without asking, click this box. NewsWatcher automatically saves changed user group list windows when you quit the program. To have NewsWatcher ask if you want to save changes, click this box. To set the default folder for saving user group lists and for the “Open” command, click this button. Not available because you haven’t turned on the default folder checkbox. To set a default folder for saving user group lists and for the “Open” command, click this button. NewsWatcher uses the regular Mac conventions for dialog boxes when you save a user group list or use the “Open” command. To instead preset the standard file dialog box to a default folder, click this box. When you save a user group list or use the “Open” command, NewsWatcher presets the standard file dialog to the default folder. To instead use the regular Mac conventions for standard file dialogs, click this box. Use this popup menu to select the printing font size. Type the printing font size here. Use this popup menu to select your printing font. Use this popup menu to select the font size for your text windows. Type the font size for your text windows here. Use this popup menu to select the font for your text windows. Use this popup menu to select the font size for your list windows. Type the font size for your list windows here. Use this popup menu to select the font for your list windows. Type extra mail header lines here. These header lines are added to all the messages you send via email. You can also override NewsWatcher’s standard header lines by entering them here. Type extra news header lines here. These header lines are added to all the articles you post. You can also override NewsWatcher’s standard header lines (e.g., “Path”) by entering them here. Type the quote string here (the string that is inserted in front of each line in an article to “quote” the article when you reply). Keep this string short (one or two characters is best). Type the number of columns between tab stops here. When you press the Tab key in the body or sig of a message, NewsWatcher advances to the next field in the window. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next tab stop, click this box. When you press the Tab key in the body or sig of a message, NewsWatcher advances to the next tab stop. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next field in the window, click this box. No labels are displayed beneath the row of icons in message windows. To show labels, click this box. Labels are displayed beneath the row of icons in message windows. To get rid of the labels, click this box. Messages are not wrapped before they are sent (carriage returns are not added at the ends of lines). To wrap messages before they are sent, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing! Messages are wrapped before they are sent (carriage returns are added at the ends of lines). To send messages unwrapped, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing! Message windows open in the simple view. To open message windows in the detailed view, click this box. Message windows open in the detailed view. To open message windows in the simple view, click this box. When you open a message window, the self icon is unchecked (you do not get a copy of the reply sent to yourself via email). To open messages windows with the self icon checked, click this box. When you open a message window, the self icon is checked (to send yourself a copy of the message via email). To open message windows with the self icon unchecked, click this box. When you reply to an article, the message window opens with the mail icon unchecked (your reply is not mailed). To open reply message windows with the mail icon checked, click this box. When you reply to an article, the message window opens with the mail icon checked (to send your reply via email). To open reply message windows with the mail icon unchecked, click this box. When you reply to an article, the message window opens with the news icon unchecked (your reply is not posted as a followup). To open reply message windows with the news icon checked, click this box. When you reply to an article, the message window opens with the news icon checked (to send your reply via a followup posting). To open reply message windows with the news icon unchecked, click this box. No separator line is inserted before your signature. To have a separator line “-- ” inserted before your signature, click this box. A separator line “-- ” is inserted before your signature. To append your signature with no separator line, click this box. Your signature immediately follows the body of your message. To have a blank line between the body and signature, click this box. Your signature is separated from the body of your message by a single blank line. To have no blank line between the body and signature, click this box. Type your signature here. Your signature is appended to the end of all your news postings and mail messages. NewsWatcher sends a MODE READER command every time it connects to your server. This slows down connecting, but is required by some servers. If your server does not require this command, click this box to make NewsWatcher faster. NewsWatcher does not send a MODE READER command when it connects to your server. This makes connecting faster. If your server requires the MODE READER command, click this box. NewsWatcher opens a new server connection when it checks for new articles. This is required by some servers. If your server supports checking for new articles without opening a new connection, click this box to make NewsWatcher faster. NewsWatcher does not open a new server connection when it checks for new articles. This makes the checks faster, but doesn’t work on all servers. If checking for new articles isn’t working, click this box to turn the option off. NewsWatcher does not use the XPAT command for searches. If your server supports XPAT, click this box to make searches much faster. NewsWatcher uses the XPAT command to make searches much faster. If your server doesn’t support the XPAT command, click this box to turn the option off. NewsWatcher sends GROUP commands one at a time when it checks for new articles. To send the GROUP commands in a batch, click this box. Batched commands are much faster, but don’t work on all servers. NewsWatcher sends GROUP commands in a batch to your server when it checks for new articles. To send the GROUP commands one at a time, click this box. Batched commands are much faster, but don’t work on all servers. Sets miscellaneous NewsWatcher options. Sets options for extracting attached files from articles. Sets your username and password and other authentication options for news servers which require authentication. Sets the helper programs which are used when you open URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). Sets options for saving messages. Sets options for saving articles. Sets options for saving user group list files Sets the font and size used when you print. Sets the font and size used with windows on your screen. Sets information which is used when you transfer user group list files back and forth to remote hosts. Sets extra headers lines to be included in your posts and mail messages. Sets options used when you compose postings and mail messages. Sets your signature. Your signature is automatically appended to the end of all articles you post and all mail messages you send. Sets your name, organization, and email address. This information is included in the headers of all articles you post and all mail messages you send. Sets options which can make NewsWatcher faster. Warning: not all news servers support these options. Sets the addresses of your news (NNTP) and mail (SMTP) servers. Sets options for reading the news. Type the maximum number of articles to fetch each time you open a group here. NewsWatcher only fetches the most recent number of articles you specify. Smaller numbers make opening groups faster. When you reach the end of a subject list, NewsWatcher advances to the next group. If you prefer to stop, click this box. When you reach the end of a subject list, NewsWatcher stops. If you prefer to automatically advance to the next group, click this box. When you reach the end of a thread, the “Next Article” command opens the first article in the next unread thread. If you prefer to return to the subject window, click this box. When you reach the the end of a thread, the “Next Article” command returns to the subject window. If you prefer to open the first article in the next unread thread, click this box. The “Next Article” and “Next Thread” commands close the old article window, then open a new one. If you prefer to reuse the old article window, click this box. The “Next Article” and “Next Thread” operations reuse the current article window. If you prefer to close the old article window and open a new one, click this box. To use single key shortcuts on the numeric keypad, click this box. Numeric keypad shortcuts are enabled. To turn this feature off, click this box. To use single key shortcuts on the main keyboard, click this box. Main keyboard shortcuts are enabled. To turn this feature off, click this box. NewsWatcher shows threads expanded when you open groups (all the articles in each thread are displayed). To show threads collapsed (only the first article in each thread is displayed), click this box. NewsWatcher shows threads collapsed when you open groups (only the first article in each thread is displayed). To show threads expanded (all the articles in each thread are displayed), click this box. To show full headers when you open articles, click this box. NewsWatcher shows full headers when you open articles. To hide the full headers, click this box. Only article subjects are shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the author names, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower. Both author names and article subjects are shown when you open a newsgroup. To show only the article subjects, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information. To go back one topic, click the up arrow. To go forward one topic, click the down arrow. Use this popup menu to select the topic for the preferences you want to change. To discard all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button. To accept all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button. Not available because you have not supplied some required piece of information in the current topic. To accept all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button.